
2020年07月19日 715点热度 0人点赞 0条评论





6.You'd sound a lot more polite if you make a request______a question.
(A)in search of
(B)in the form of
(C)in need of
(D)in the direction of
7.What a beautiful sight! Wild flowers of different colors spread all over the hills and around the lake, ______to the beauty of the valley.
(A)to add
(B)being added
8.Which of the following consonants does not fall under the same category according to the voicing?
9.Which of the following has the proper word stress?
10.In March, cherry blossoms on both sides of East Beijing Road give the city of Nanjing an early ______of spring.
11.Unfortunately, his gambling and drinking habits make him a very______person.
12.The media actually can play a positive role in______consumer issues in some new areas, such as e-commerce and online finance services, which aren't fully covered by current laws.
13.By the end of this semester, we surely______ a satisfactory solution to the problem.
(A)have found
(B)will find
(C)will have found
(D)are finding
14.Upon arriving home, I was surprised to find the paper I had had______was missing.
(A)to be prepared
(B)to prepare
15.From the moment babies are born, parents are helping them to be released into the world, not to ______them or to control their lives for the rest of life.
(A)hold on to
(B)put up with
(C)give in to
(D)break up with
16.______, the more severe the winters are.
(A)The more north you go
(B)The farther you go the north
(C)The more you go north
(D)The farther north you go
17.With the______of society, our environment is becoming worse and worse. So what we should do is______our environment.
(A)develop: protect
(B)developing: to protect
(C)development: protect
(D)development: to protect
18.Don't spit! You see, bad habits, ______formed, are hard to kick.
19.______may have a chance to be successful if he tries his best.
20.You can get off the bus one or two stops______and walk the rest of the way to work every day so as to take some exercise.
(A)more early
21.The farmers eat only 20 percent of fruits they grow, the rest of which ______ sold to the supermarket.
22."A little learning is a dangerous thing: Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring " That is a famous quote from______.
(A)An Essay on Criticism by Alexander Pope
(B)Hamlet by William Shakespeare
(C)Of Studies by Francis Bacon
(D)The American Scholar by Ralph Waldo Emerson
23.Ode to the West Wind was written by______.
(A)William Blake
(B)William Wordsworth
(C)Samuel Taylor Coleridge
(D)Percy B.Shelly
When Rowland Hill, little more than a hundred years ago, first advocated the introduction of cheap postage in England, he had to face many opponents of the scheme: some said that it would not pay, others said that it was unworkable. But Hill, supported by general public opinion, eventually overcame opposition, and late in 1839 the Penny Post was established. From then until the First World War the cost of sending a letter any distance within the United Kingdom remained at one penny. The gloomy prophecies of the critics were not fulfilled: the profits of the Post Office were maintained and improvements in transport and administration made it possible not only to handle the increased volume of correspondence but also to extend postal facilities. Before this great change took place, the charge for sending a letter varied according to the distance the letter was carried and had to be paid for on delivery by the person to whom it was addressed. The lowest charge was four pence and for long distances as much as eighteen pence. Such high rates, when wages were low, could rarely be afforded by poor people, who were often compelled to refuse letters from their dear ones because they were unable to pay. Under the new scheme, a letter was paid for by the sender, who affixed to it an adhesive postage stamp, the cost of which was within reach of all. Thus the poor were enabled to exchange news with their relations and friends at a time when many of them had left their homes to seek work elsewhere. Businessmen also found cheap postage a boom and, since it soon turned out to be a great financial success, the new scheme was, before long, adopted by every civilized country in the world—a final tribute to the wisdom and vision of its promoter.
26."Some said that it(i. e. Rowland Hill's scheme)would not pay" means______.
(A)some said that people would refuse to pay for the scheme
(B)some said that the scheme would not be profitable
(C)some said that the scheme was not economical
(D)some said that they did not have enough money to pay for the scheme
27.Rowland Hill's system is known as the "Penny post" ______.
(A)because it undertook the delivery of all inland letters for the charge of one penny
(B)since it was established late in 1839
(C)because many people who used its facilities were poor
(D)as a result of the gloomy prophecies of those who had said scheme would not pay
28.Postal facilities were extended after the introduction of the Penny Post______.
(A)because the volume of correspondence increased
(B)as a result of improvements in transport and administration
(C)until the First World War
(D)provided that the cost of sending a letter remained at one penny
29.Under the old system the poor had frequently been compelled to refuse letters______.
(A)because they could not afford to pay the high postage rates which had to be paid on receipt of a letter
(B)unless the charge on them was less than four pence
(C)although rates varied according to the distance letters were carried
(D)because many of them had left their homes to seek work elsewhere
30.The new postal scheme was adopted by every civilized country in the world ______.
(A)because it enabled the poor, as well as the rich, to exchange news
(B)as a tribute to the wisdom and vision of its promoter
(C)since the scheme, in addition to its convenience, had proved financially successful
(D)a hundred years after its adoption by the English
From the first use of the rocket to carry satellites into space to the setting up of space stations, human beings have been putting great effort into space research. And so far, we have achieved many successes. But there are still numerous tasks in front of us and we should not cease trying to progress. The international space station is an important step we should take in space exploration. It is not only helpful but also essential. It provides a proper space environment for many experiments that we have wanted to do for a long time. It is also a base for the observations of the earth and the universe. It could also be an important base for later travel to the moon and Mars. In a word, if we want to explore space more, the first thing we should do is to set up a space station. As the space station costs a lot of money, it is hard for one country alone to establish one. The USA seems to be the only country that has the ability to build a space station alone, and it has tried to do so, but not very successful. So it aggregated many other countries to work on it together. Though it is still extremely expensive, it is much cheaper than doing it alone. It is really a job that needs everyone's effort and will benefit everyone. But even so, the funds needed are still a big problem. As for the USA, it seems that it has too many things to spend its money on. Although it is the richest country in the world, it has much debt every year. It has to make arrangements about its finance, and try to find a balance in all these issues.
32.What is the author's attitude towards building and developing the international space station?
33.From Paragraph 2 we learn that______.
(A)the necessity of building the international space station is not realized now
(B)many experiments have been done in the international space station
(C)the international space station is necessary for people to explore space more
(D)people have traveled to Mars from the international space station
34.Which of the following is NOT a reason for countries' cooperation in building the international space station?
(A)It requires a lot of money.
(B)It needs everyone's effort.
(C)It will benefit every participating country.
(D)It is too far away from the earth.
35.The underlined word "aggregated" in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by "______".
36.Which of the following aspects about building the international space station is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(D)Specific arrangements.
Most people buy a lot of gilts just before Christmas. But some people think we buy too much. They have started a special day called Buy Nothing Day. They don't want anyone to go shopping on that day. Buy Nothing Day is November 29. It's 25 days before Christmas. It's after Thanksgiving Day and often the first day of Christmas shopping. At this time, we see ads in newspapers and on TV telling us to " buy, buy, buy" ! The idea for Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver, British Columbia. Now people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day. In California, parents and children get together to read stories, sing songs, and paint pictures. The children talk about why they don't need many toys. Last year, in Manchester, England, people dressed up in costumes to tell people that we buy too much. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, high school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing Day. They organized a spaghetti dinner party to give people information about Buy Nothing Day. They asked restaurants in the neighborhood to donate the food. They made posters and talked to other students about it. The dinner was a big success, and many students agreed not to buy anything on November 29. The students at the high school liked the idea of this new tradition. Next year, they want to have another dinner to tell more people about Buy Nothing Day!
38.When is Buy Nothing Day?
(A)The day before Thanksgiving.
(B)25 days after Christmas.
(C)The 29th of November.
(D)Christmas Day.
39.What do people NOT do to celebrate Buy Nothing Day?
(A)Dress up in costumes.
(B)Get together to read, sing and paint pictures.
(C)Talk about why they don't need many toys.
(D)Spend money on clothes, toys and so on.
40.Where was the idea started?
(A)In California.
(B)In New Mexico.
(C)In London.
(D)In Vancouver.
41.Which of the following is TRUE about the spaghetti dinner party?
(A)It was organized by students themselves.
(B)A lot of foreigners took part in it.
(C)The students bought some food from the restaurants in the neighborhood.
(D)The students' parents made the dinner in the spaghetti party.
42.What did many students agree to do after taking part in the dinner party?
(A)Buy nothing every day.
(B)Buy nothing on November 29.
(C)Buy nothing from then on.
(D)Buy nothing on Christmas Day.
What is a black hole? Well, it is difficult to answer the question, as the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon 【M1】______ are adequate here. Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is 【M2】______ a region of space which matter has fallen and from which nothing can 【M3】______ escape—not even light. But we can't see a black hole. A black hole 【M4】______ exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter. It is only space—or thus we think. How can this happen? 【M5】______ The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point: they "collapse" and sometimes a supernova occurs. The collapse of a star may produce a "White Dwarf" of a "neutron star"— a star which matter is so dense that if continually shrinks by the force of 【M6】______ its own gravity. But if the star is very large, this process of shrinking may be so intense that a black hole results in. Imagine the earth reduced to the 【M7】______ size of a marble, but still having the same masses and a stronger 【M8】______ gravitational pull, and you have some ideas of the force of a black hole. 【M9】______ And no matter near the black hole is sucked in. 【M10】______
55.For this part, you are supposed to write a short passage on the topic The Popularity of Micro-blog. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese: (1)现在很多人热衷于用微博来表达心声; (2)微博中可能存在的问题; (3)在我看来……
Secret codes keep messages private. Banks, companies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer. People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 【K1】______ Code breaking never lags far behind code making. The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography. There are three main types of cryptography. 【K2】______For example, the first letters of " My elephant eats too many eels" spell out the hidden message " Meet me. " 【K3】______You might represent each letter with a number, for example. Let's number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, the message "Meet me" would read "13 5 5 20 13 5. " A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. 【K4】______ For example, "bridge" might stand for "meet" and "out" might stand for "me. " The message "Bridge out" would actually mean "Meet me. " 【K5】______ However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently. A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book. B. In any language, some letters are used more than others. C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message. D. As long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them. E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out. F. With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words. G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.



