
2020年07月23日 712点热度 0人点赞 0条评论





1.I think the doctor is able to cure of______he meets.
2.______, we' 11 come to see you again.
(A)If time will permit
(B)Time permits
(C)Time permitting
(D)Time permitted
3.—Nancy is not coming tonight. —But she______!
(C)will promise
(D)had promised
4.______some mammals came to live in the sea is not known.
5.—We' ve spent too much money recently. —Well,it isn't surprising. Our friends and relatives______around all the time.
(A)are coming
(B)had come
(C)were coming
(D)have been coming
6.If you______stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough.
(B)would not
(C)do not
(D)can not
7.He' s unlucky, and he' s always suffering______luck one after another.
(A)a sick
(B)an ill
8.The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged______there for sightseeing.
(A)us from going
(B)us to go
(C)our going
(D)our to go
9.If I had______, I' d visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.
(A)a long enough holiday
(B)an enough long holiday
(C)a holiday enough long
(D)a long holiday enough
10.Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to______.
(A)put up
(B)give in
(C)be turned on
(D)go out
11.Besides Tom, ______Crosettes have two other sons, ______of whom are all interested in making model planes.
(A)不填; two
(B)不填; the two
(C)the, three
(D)the, the three
12.Mr. Zhang gave all textbooks to all the pupils, except______who had already taken them.
(C)the ones
(D)the others
13.______professional violinist practices for several hours a day, but______violinist has his own way of playing the Beethoven concert.
(A)Each, every
(B)Every, each
(C)One, a
(D)All, each
14.—Who has taken my pen away? —______. He was here a moment ago.
(A)It must be Li Ping
(B)It is Li Ping take
(C)Li Ping is
(D)Li Ping must take
15.My dictionary______. I have looked for it everywhere but still______it.
(A)has lost; do not find
(B)is missing; do not find
(C)has lost; have not found
(D)is missing; have not found
16.Shortly after the accident, two______police were sent to the spot to keep order.
(A)dozens of
(C)dozen of
17.Don't worry if you don't understand everything, the teacher will______the main points at the end.
18.We will take______wants to go there for a sight-seeing.
(D)all that
19.I caught the last bus from town, but Harry came home______that night.
(A)very late
(B)even later
(C)the same late
(D)the last one
20.—What was the party like? —Wonderful. It is years______I enjoyed myself so much.
21.Isn' t it very kind ______your parents to do that for us?
22.There is a______of 1000 dollars for the return of gold ring.
23.A man does not know the difficulty of anything______he does it personally.
24.I don't remember______to the airport that year.
(A)to be taken
(B)being taken
(D)to take
25.— Guess what, we' ve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer. — How nice! You______a different culture then.
(A)will be experiencing
(B)have experienced
(C)have been experiencing
(D)will have experienced
26.In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained______abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.
(C)to be stuck
(D)to have stuck
27.I'm trying to break the______of getting up too late.
28.My parents______in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.
(C)were living
(D)will live
29.______the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.
(B)Having completed
(C)To have completed
(D)To complete



