
2020年08月30日 733点热度 0人点赞 0条评论





1. 下面是一篇小学四年级的教学材料及其教学片段,请用中文从教学方法和活动设计两个方面进行简要评析。
2.Although the team lost the game, they played with tremendous ______: they won their fans' respect.
3.Cathy______a few words of Italian when she was there last year. (易混)
(A)took on
(B)picked up
(C)gave away
(D)broke down
4.My parents______at the airport because of the storm. Otherwise, they would have been here by lunch time.
(A)have delayed
(B)would delay
(C)were delayed
(D)had been delayed
5.______ Anderson was the best of the many talented writers of his generation seemed indisputable.
6.In your free time, ______ this incredible city and you will certainly have an unforgettable experience. (易错)
(D)to explore
7.Under the regulations, all the passengers ______ remain in their seats until the plane lands safely.
8.Emma lived with her grandparents for 3 years in a small village, ______she went to school in New York.
(A)in which
(B)after that
(C)after which
(D)in that
9.The novel______last month went straight to number one on the best seller list.
(B)was published
(C)to be published
(D)being published
10.I live near my parents.______, I can visit them as often as possible. (易混)
11.Mr. Black can never______the difference between the twins in his class.
12.—Do you know which is the quickest way to the museum from here? —______. Let's ask the policeman over there.
(A)Forget it
(B)Go ahead
(C)It's up to you
(D)It beats me
13.Kevin's teacher saw him as quiet and shy, ______with his friends he was exactly the opposite.
14.Not until we were shown around this ancient town ______ its beauty was really beyond description.
(A)we realized
(B)we did realize
(C)realized we
(D)did we realize
15.The method of forming new words like motel, smog or newscast, is called ______. (常考)
16.The novel, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, was written by ______, one of the greatest of Victorian novelists.
(A)Thomas Hardy
(B)George Eliot
(C)Emily Bronte
(D)Oscar Wilde
Jaime Escalante was born on December 31, 1930 in La Paz, Bolivia. Following in his parents' footsteps, Escalante became a teacher as well. In the 1960s, he left Bolivia to seek a better life in America. Determined to teach in America like he had back home, Escalante taught himself English and earned another college degree. In 1974, Escalante took a job teaching math at Garfield High School in East Los Angeles known for troubled students with horrible home lives. He strove to bring his kids to their full potential, working with them to help them understand mathematics. Soon, he started an advanced math program for many of his students. He worked them hard, teaching them Calculus and making them show up to school an hour early each day and stay late after school was over. Then, in 1982, his largest class of students took an advanced placement test in Calculus and every single one of them passed. However, officials at the testing company suspected the students of cheating. Escalante was outraged. He said the students were being rejected because of their Hispanic (西班牙) names and poor backgrounds. This sparked an idea in Escalante. He was determined to keep his students' confidence and self-esteem high, so he convinced them to retake the advanced placement test. This time, the test would be even harder, so Escalante made his students stay even later after school and forced them to practice their equations over and over again, encouraging them to study hard so they could prove to the world that they are capable of accomplishing. The students took the test and the scores arrived—every student passed with flying colors. This was the greatest event in the history of Garfield High School.
17.What did Jaime Escalante do when he was 44 years old?
(A)He left his hometown for America.
(B)He took a math course and got a degree.
(C)He began to teach at an American school.
(D)He became a teacher on his parents' advice.
18.Why did Jaime Escalante get that angry?
(A)His students cheated in the test in Calculus.
(B)His students weren't allowed to take the test.
(C)None of his students managed to pass the test.
(D)His students' test results weren't acknowledged.
19.What dose the underlined word "with flying colors" in paragraph 4 mean?
20.Which of the following best describes Jaime Escalante?
(A)Strict and brilliant.
(B)Humorous and kind.
(C)Arrogant but strong-willed.
(D)Bad-tempered but devoted.
People often recommend planting trees to make cities greener, cleaner and healthier. But during heat waves, city trees can actually increase air pollution. Indeed, a new study finds, up to 60 percent of the smoggy ozone in a city's air on hot days may trace to chemicals emitted by trees. Galina Churkina, who works at Humboldt University of Berlin, and her team confirmed it. The findings might seem the opposite of what you would expect, notes Robert Young, an expert in city planting at the University of Texas at Austin. Indeed, he notes, " everything has multiple effects. " The new findings do not mean cities should discourage tree planting, he says. Instead, cities may need stricter controls on other sources of pollution, such as tailpipe emissions from cars and trucks. City trees soak up carbon dioxide, and at the same time they release oxygen into the air. But oxygen is far from the only gas that trees and certain other green plants release into the air. One of these chemicals is a hydrocarbon known as isoprene (异戊二烯). It can react with combustion (氧化)pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides(氧化氮) emitted by cars and trucks in cities. The result is the formation of ozone. A component of smog, ozone can irritate the lungs and aggravate airway diseases. Churkina says her team was not surprised to see the seemingly contrary relationship between plants and pollution. She adds that " its importance was, however, quite amazing. " The results, Churkina says, suggests that city tree plantings programs should not ignore the role this greenery may play in aggravating summer air pollution. Adding more trees will improve quality of life only if those cities also undertake plans to sharply cut vehicle pollution in summer and to increase their reliance on clean energy sources for electric power, she says.
22.What does the new study find about city trees on hot day?
(A)City trees can reduce the smoggy ozone.
(B)City trees may easily absorb heat waves.
(C)City trees may cause more air pollution.
(D)More city trees can make a city far better.
23.What is the third paragraph mainly about?
(A)The harm ozone does to people in cities.
(B)The way trees help the formation of ozone.
(C)The chemicals green plants release into the air.
(D)The benefits trees bring to the city environment.
24.Which of the following is suggested by Churkina?
(A)Planting more trees in cities.
(B)Advocating using clean energy.
(C)Improving people's quality of life.
(D)Banning vehicle pollution in summer.
25.What can be the best title for the text?
(A)Ozone Can Affect People's Health.
(B)Going Green Benefits Man and Nature.
(C)Planting Trees Can Control Air Pollution.
(D)Trees Can Make Summer Ozone Level Worse.
A 3-year-old who cries out, "Mommy! Look, how big that man's nose is!" will probably be ignored by his mother and the man. An adult who makes an equivalent statement, however, might find his own nose swollen and hurting within seconds. The difference is much more than a matter of social graces. We do not expect 3-year-olds to understand how the things they say affect other people's emotions. They are not empathetic in the way adults are. To empathize with someone is to understand what he is feeling or, more properly, to understand what you would feel like if you were in his situation. Unlike intelligence and physical attractiveness, which depend largely on genetics, empathy is a skill that children learn. Its value is multifold. Children who are empathetic tend to do better in school, in social situations, and in their adult careers. Toddlers sometimes show behavior that is closer to true empathy in their first efforts to connect another person's discomfort with their own. When a 2-year-old sees his mother crying, he may offer her a toy he's been playing with or a cookie he's been nibbling. He is giving his mother something that he knows has made him feel better when he has cried. It is unclear, however, whether the child understands what his mother is feeling, or is simply upset by the way she is acting, much in the way a puppy will come up and lick the face of someone who's crying. By the time a child is about 4 years old, he begins to associate his emotions with the feelings of others. While one child says he has a stomachache, some 4-year-olds may come over and comfort him. By the time a child is 8, he can grapple with more complex moral decisions in which he must realize that someone else's feelings may be different from his own. Although the best training for empathy begins in infancy, it's never too late to start. The best teachers of this skill are the children's parents. The way you show your own empathy may be more important than anything you say.
27.How is empathy different from intelligence?
(A)Empathy can be learned.
(B)Empathy is determined by birth.
(C)Empathy is of greater importance.
(D)Empathy has little effect on one's life.
28.What can be inferred from toddler's behavior?
(A)Toddlers can show true empathy to others.
(B)Toddlers just do things like a puppy.
(C)Toddlers may. not know true empathy.
(D)Toddlers can't appreciate what they're doing.
29.What can we learn about the training for children's empathy?
(A)Parents must master such skills first.
(B)Parents had better learn how to be good teachers.
(C)Parents have to stop teaching their children's empathy.
(D)Parents should set an example for their children's empathy.
30.What is the text about?
(A)How children develop empathy.
(B)How empathy benefits children.
(C)Why empathy matters more than intelligence.
(D)Why it is important to train the empathy of children.
We all have times when someone does something to support you. You are grateful for their 【C1】______gesture. And then you move on. A couple of days ago I was up on a stage, connecting a laptop I'm typing on to a【C2】______at the conference. It was the first time I was going to【C3】______a session at the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) international conference. So, needless to say, I felt very【C4】______. Some sweaty palms. You get it. For some reasons, my laptop and the projector were having trouble【C5】______. The image on the huge screen would flicker on and off and on and off. After a few minutes the image【C6】______completely. This went on for about 15 minutes. Watching from her seat was a young woman who had arrived nearly forty-five minutes before the session was to start. She quietly and【C7】______said, " Lori, would you like to use my laptop?" I looked up at this woman and【C8】______came to my eyes. I didn't know her. But she【C9】______offered help to give up her note-taking tool. After switching on the computer and making sure things worked, I was【C10】______to give my speech to a room of more than 300 people. The woman's action【C11】______more than 300 people in that room who serve thousands in their communities. The people at the session got to learn how to share their people and money stories so they can【C12】______more money for their amazing nonprofits. Yes, the content was mine: 【C13】______, the ability to deliver it was made【C14】______by a small act of kindness from someone I'd never met before. I am grateful【C15】______words to the woman, who is changing the world. She has certainly changed mine.
【T1】In reading, it is useful to propose to ourselves definite ends and purposes.【T2】The more distinctly we are aware of our own wants and desires in reading, the more definite and permanent our learning will be. Hence it is a good rule to ask ourselves frequently, "Why am I reading this book?"or "Why am I reading it at the present time rather than at any other?" 【T3】The answer may be that it is convenient: that the book happens to be at hand: or that we read to pass away the time.【T4】Such reasons are often very good, but they ought not always to satisfy us.【T5】Yet the very habit of asking ourselves these questions, however they may be answered, will help us read effectively.
54. 校园里,学生有时会因为一些小矛盾而产生不愉快。作为老师,该如何去解决矛盾,引导学生和睦相处。请用英文写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。 内容不少于150个单词,不得出现与本人相关的信息。
55. 请就下面所提供的教学材料,根据PPP(Presentation,Practice,Production)教学模式,用英语完成以下教学设计,设计意图可用中文表述。



